City portal engine:
- News, articles
- Announcements
- Blogs
- Photos
- Banners
- Placards
- TV program
- News, blogs, photo gallery commenting
Every business needs a powerful, attended and prompt site. Among the most successful projects there is a city portal elaborated by our team. Longstanding development, well thought-out structure and permanent code perfection make it a leader among the similar sites.
The first site on this engine is gorod.cn.ua – a modern city portal of Chernigov, with more than 60000 visitors every day It brings its owner a growing income. The site incredibly popular not only with Chernigov citizens, but also with citizens of other regions.
The structure of the portal is modern and easy operating. It's convenient and simple enough for every customer and even for a newcomer. Being on the site for the first time, a user can easily put an announcement, a piece of news or a comment. There are a few sections here: news, announcements, information, blogs, for tourist, placard, forum which can be used by everyone.
Gorod.cn.ua attracts the users by its unique possibility to add announcements and articles to the Chernigov portal without any assistance, to take an active part in the site and city life, to lay the news open to public. Every piece of news has a separate branch with commenting.
Now, with a help of the city portal engine, a site of any city can be created. Everyone can purchase this engine!
Why do the folk of Chernigov love gorod.cn.ua so much?
- For news. There one can find any piece of city, Ukrainian or world's news, which are updated and replenished by the administrator every day.
- For announcements. More than 200 categories offer to put paid announcements. Photos also can be attached. Besides, one can place their notice at the top of the list for additional charge, leaving the competitors behind.
- For the information. It gives an opportunity to get free contact details of any state institution, organization promptly.
- For photo galleries. Only gorod.cn.ua has a wide gallery with advanced Flash that helps to download several photos simultaneously and quickly.
- For communication. Thousands of users blog, communicate, sell and bought goods every day. The site forum has gained unbelievable popularity. One can get any interesting information or share their own there. Besides, signing up in the forum you automatically sign up in the site.
- For informativity. Section of the site let get you complex information about Chernigov from any place in the world. Placard of gorod.cn.ua offers local citizens and guests of the city to become familiar with entertainment program of Chernigov clubs, bars, restaurants, theatres and so on.
- Pleasant addition isa TV program, lots of contests and quizzes, which are held by the portal in cooperation with different commercial undertakings.
- Signing up in the site, you automatically sign up in the sending of informational letters.
- For entrepreneurs and organizations there is an effective banner system on the site, that draws an attention and increases demand on services and goods. An advertiser can choose one of the 30 banner places. If several customers claim to one and the same place, then the rotation takes place.
- All the information mentioned above gives us an absolute freedom to call gorod.cn.ua one of the favourite and the most attended site of Chernigov .
You can purchase the city portal engine for 400$ - this price includes setting the engine on your hosting, complex teaching of an administrator, directions for the site usage.
Why is it profitable to buy the engine?
- traffic monetization - is a redirection of a user to the different site
- links selling in systems like sape.ru
- context and teaser advertisement, selling of advertising spaces to direct advertisers
- placing of paid articles on the site or with the help of the articles exchange,
- paid announcements putting(attaching of any payment system)
- arrangement of paid sendings
- possibility of any modification according to the customer's wish
- twenty-four-hour support
Given engine has been already appreciated by owners of the city portals from other regions:
Here is a city portal in Summy gorod.sumy.ua.
the city of Sochi got the engine with a full change of design and a modification of a few modules.
the engine for the town Tarusa in Russia was done on the basis of Sochi one.
Для Zaporozhye region portal design and most sections were redone on customer's request.