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Order a website creation

Order a website creation

Detailed and clear answers to these questions will make the work on a website much more efficient. They will help to determine the type of site (corporate website, company website, online shop, Internet- portal, landing page), organize the structure of the site, properly arrange information on the web, think about the design concept and as a result distinguish your site from the mass of similar ones. So you've decided that you / your company / shop need a website. To begin with, we would like to know the answers to some simple questions that only you know.


Turnkey website creation

Turnkey website creation

In our opinion, turnkey website is when the customer comes up with the idea, and leaves with a fully working, full of content and functioning in the Internet website. Site created turnkey is a great array of work and a lot of "highly specialized" moments. It's possible that you do not want to delve into the details of hosting, layout, design and engines. In this case, after a certain time after making a contract you will receive a link to a website (created in full correspondence with your technical task), username and password of the admin panel for further work with the site.


Why Errors Are Your Best Friend

Why Errors Are Your Best Friend

Sometimes, as developers, we believe errors are negative reflections on our applications. But are they really so? In today’s post, I show you how they’re anything but negative, they’re actually very very positive, when interpreted correctly.


Are We Professional Developers – Or Amateurs

Are We Professional Developers – Or Amateurs

Today’s not going to be a long post, but short and not just a bit provocative. It’s something that’s been on my mind for quite some time. It’s the question of professionalism as developers and whether we are or not.
